Strong Again

We don’t need to read any statistics, we all know that there are way too many disabled veterans in this country, and that they don’t seem to be getting any effective help.

Happy Holidaze!

**Wrapping up the holidays, I have extended my discount code to you. All prices in my online store are 10% discounted with the coupon HCPC416HOLIDAY. Follow through with that New Year’s intention to take good care of yourself!!***

Four Key Steps to Strong Muscles

We all want strong muscles, regardless of our age or general health. There will be some time in your life, I can assure you without reservation, when muscle strength becomes a real concern for you. Perhaps you’re an athlete, and you want to have a better performance in your chosen sport: you’ll want to make sure you are building muscle during your workouts.

Magical Melatonin, Amended

Good sleep is magical, right? We drift gently from the world as we know it and enter another realm. We may battle dragons or empty bed pans or may remember nothing at all. We may sleep through a fire siren or the alarm clock, but we can be awakened with enough effort. And then, we return to life with our brains and attitudes refreshed.The world is a sunnier place, jokes are funnier, and everything falls into place. Turns out that inside your body everything is just as happy, and it’s primarily the work of the melatonin that made your sleep so restful.

Low Carb Advantage for Athletes

Low carb ketosis for athletes? The long-awaited study by Dr. Jeff Volek and team has been released.

Thinking With Testosterone

How’s your memory? Although most of us can accept a few glitches in memory as we get older, the thought of losing significant cognitive ability is terrifying. How can we enjoy the wisdom of age if we can’t remember it?

Celebrating Prostaglandins and Inflammation

When I hear the term “arachidonic acid” I must admit that I have always thought of spiders. My mind quickly corrects itself, and I remember that arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, one that we require for its various functions in the brain, muscles, and liver, primarily for the pliable nature of our cell walls and for important signaling to modulate inflammation.

Hypertension: Controversy Resolved

In a way, high blood pressure is like every other health problem: it can usually be resolved through lifestyle changes. When those don’t work, attending to some systemic problems (lack of sleep, low thyroid, and others) can often solve the problem. Supplementation directed by a knowledge of genetics and general supplement principles is a good next step. […]

Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

Did you know that November is National (US, I presume) Alzheimer’s Awareness Month? Actually every month is about a dozen things, but I’ve been ruminating on dementia recently, so it’s time to share some more thoughts.

Minor Rant

Ahh, crisp October air, leaves are brilliant and there is just a hint of chill in the air. Love this season, with the longer, darker and sleepier nights and a change of fresh produce in the store. Yes, I think tomato season went by all too quickly, but am happy to be choosing squash and cruciferous vegetables and sweet potatoes. It’s the season when I’m happy to use the oven again.