Thyroid – that little butterfly shaped gland at the base of your front neck (under the knot of your bow-tie?) produces thyroid hormones that impact and interact with every other hormonal and metabolic system in the body. Every cell has a receptor for thyroid hormone (and vitamin D, it is said), so thyroid touches everything. Our bodies have finely tuned mechanisms for producing, storing, circulating, and activating thyroid hormones, so it’s no surprise that at times that mechanism can get a little off balance.
Admittedly this sounds like a cheesy sci-fi term, but it’s your inflammasome that you can alter with diet or exercise, and thereby reduce inflammation in your body overall. Since inflammation is associated or known to be causal with almost any chronic illness, reducing inflammation is a great thing.
Not news to you, perhaps, but saturated fat was never the problem with our diets! Many meta-analyses, op-ed’s and even popular books have detailed the misguided steps we took in 1977 when our federal nutritional guidelines steered us away from fat and towards (unthinkably) carbohydrates to make up the lost calories from trimmed fat.
With gracious permission, I am offering the most wonderful mousse recipe. Once you make this recipe, you will want to share it with others as well.
Trouble sleeping? Overactive bladder? Someone recommended a low-dose anti-depressant for chronic pain? These are three common scenarios in which people take one of the drugs classed as anti-cholinergics, a category of that acts directly on the “cholinergic” receptors in our body, occuring in different places, including our central nervous system. Eggs are a “brain food” because they are rich in choline, used to make a neurotransitter called acetyl choline.
In January I was fortunate to spend three days in Scottsdale, Arizona, with a small group of physicians. We had traveled from the US, Canada, and Norway to participate in the third annual educational meeting of Physicians and Ancestral Health (PAH).
The current flu season has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and is showing signs of the severity expected when the current flu strain was identified. Unfortunately for those who received the flu vaccine, the current flu’s variety of H3N2 virus is not well matched to the annual flu vaccine.
The first time I suggested to Stan that he might improve his obesity, diabetes, and irritable bowel by eliminating grains from his diet, he thought it over seriously. He took the suggestion home to his wife, somewhat of a gourmet chef, who dismissed the idea of eliminating an entire portion of the palate. “That’s ridiculous, part of this gluten craze, isn’t it? Humans have eaten grains for ten thousand years, they can’t be bad for us.
What Is Known About Breast Cancer RecurrenceHealthy Steps: Breast Cancer Recurrence Prevention—First StepsHealthy Steps: Breast Cancer Recurrence Prevention—Full ProgramBreast Cancer DetectionFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk You had been doing everything right, and you still got breast cancer – how many times have we heard that story? Too many, that’s for sure. Traversing the complex world of […]
“Say, I’m a little sleepy – this rough, small, cold, concrete bed looks good, I think I’ll just…zzzzz…”
When was the last time you fell asleep that easily? It’s one of life’s great pleasures, isn’t it?, to feel the pull of sleep and to allow yourself to succumb fully to the bliss of easy sleep.