I was recently on a “Preventing Diabetes and Obesity” panel with a local cardiologist. I asked him what he thought about all the recent review studies clearing saturated fat of any association with heart disease. His response was, “Well, a little bit might be okay, but not much.” I should have carried this study with me!
The questioner continued: should I be concerned? Do I need to add back in some fiber, maybe some kind of bran?
(If you missed last week’s post, Sleep Comes First, check here to read some of the reasons that getting enough sleep should be your #1 health concern!)
One of the most exciting presentations I enjoyed at Paleo F(x) was Dr. Kirk Parsley’s discussion about his success in treating sleep disorders. I enjoyed his first presentation so much that I went to his second as well, and have since been in communication with him, happy to learn that he will soon have a website sharing his great information with everyone. I’ll let you know when I see it.
Someone at the FDA must subscribe to the DrDeborahMD newsletter? You might remember some time ago that I suggested the conventional wisdom might be erroneous: the risk of daily aspirin is real, and people without known heart disease have no real benefit and only harm to be expected from taking a daily aspirin. I recommended against it here.
When I suggest that someone consider a reduced carbohydrate diet, it obviously has to have some dietary component increased and that would be dietary fat. Many people report that eating more fat just isn’t possible, either from historical dietary training (“It’s not good for you!”) or just because they feel bloated and full, from the protein and/or the fat eaten in larger proportions when bread and pasta are off the plate.
A recent study adds to the growing body of research evaluating low carbohydrate and very low carbohydrate diets. Working with a group of overweight and obese adults, all of whom qualified as either pre-diabetic or type 2 diabetics, researchers employed two different dietary strategies.
Per reader request, I started off the PaleoFx weekend by attending John Kiefer’s talk on timing carb consumption: when we eat carbs can have a tremendous effect on our health in general and our efforts to lose excess body fat in particular. And for this discussion, when I say carbs, I mean “starchy carbs”, grains, super-sweet fruit and fruits in general. Non-starchy vegetables have more fiber than carbs, so eat them whenever you want to.
I’m so excited to be heading to Austin for the Paleo event of the year. Multiple simultaneous stages make the choices difficult: listen to a panel of experts or hear one in-depth topic? Learn to lift a heavy weight or do some fancy Paleo cooking?
What Is Known About Parkinson’s DiseaseHealthy Steps: Parkinson’s Disease—First StepsHealthy Steps: Parkinson’s Disease—Full ProgramPreventing Parkinson’s Disease The first signs of something wrong might be as simple as a trembling noticed in your hand, or perhaps a feeling of weakness or stiffness affecting one body part. You might notice that your balance just isn’t what it […]