Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

What Is Known About Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Healthy Steps: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis—First Steps Healthy Steps: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis—Full Program From Dr. Deborah’s Desk Something is not quite right, but it’s not necessarily dramatic. Some feature of your vitality is, well, just a little bit under the weather. It could be a sinking of mood or energy, a little […]

You Actually Can Skip Breakfast

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a bit of a buzz word among those interested in the wisest way to eat to optimize health and performance. IF seems to allow gentle calorie restriction without its usual problems of metabolic downregulation and hormone imbalance. A bit of calorie restriction without those problems can help with weight normalizing and might contribute to increased performance and longevity. 

Women Lifting Weights

When exercise recommendations are given for health improvement, particularly for diabetes prevention, it is usually suggested that you get a good half hour of aerobic exercise daily. It has been previously found that men can achieve a similar if not greater benefit through weight training, and now that study has been done for women as well. 

Just Spell It Right

Decades ago, my eccentric Uncle (J Ward) produced several notable cartoon programs, starting with Crusader Rabbit, moving on to Rocky and Bullwinkle, Fractured Flickers – you get the idea. His idea was to produce cartoon shows that adults could watch with kids, each person laughing at different parts of the gags.

Fish Twice a Week

It’s not enough to say “Eat fish”. Based on yet one more study, I would advise you to eat fish TWICE a week.

A Ketogenic Diet, the Short Version

A ketogenic diet is one that encourages your body to rely less on sugar-based fuels and rather to turn to fat and ketones (produced in the liver by metabolizing fat) for fuel.

Meditation Eases Anxiety and Depression

You can do it almost anywhere, any time, and it might help. I’ve mentioned meditation several places and recommend it as a method to soothe jangled nerves, ease sleep problems and help focus your mind. 

Three Times Thirty, or Aging with Grace and Protein

I have written before about sarcopenia which I see as an increasing problem among folks as we age, seriously impacting quality of life when it becomes significant. We naturally lose muscle bulk (and effectiveness) as we age, a loss that leads to wobbly walks, unsteady standing, and general frailty. Nothing makes someone feel or look older than frailty.

The Three Dirtiest Drugs

… and Their Better Substitutes

Persimmon Soup

I love spotting the beautiful orange persimmon globes on wintry trees this time of year, almost as much as this wonderful soup made from the fruit!