I have talked about the overwhelming number of bacteria housed in a healthy digestive system, 100 trillion little critters compared to a measly 10 trillion cells in the body those critters inhabit. One very smart health blogger, Chris Kresser, has suggested that if the twentieth century was the era of anti-biotics, the twenty-first will be the era of pro-biotics, and I hope he’s right.
The simplest and safest way to be healthy might just be going for a walk! A recent study published in the British Medical Journal stepped back and took a broad view of possible medical interventions for serious health conditions. Their findings were reassuring to me, and hopefully inspiration for all physicians. Simply put: exercise works, and it works overtime and safely.
I recently spoke at the Weston Price annual conference, summarizing everything I could fit in about preventing breast cancer in a relatively brief presentation that several folks have asked me to put on the website.
I’m going to start here with the summary of preventive actions and write a separate article on the controversies and other information included in the talk. Let’s start with what you can do to prevent breast cancer.
I just read a very nice article on organic vs conventional milk reporting on a recent rather large study.
Snowed in this weekend meant movie-time, and one jewel we watched was The Company You Keep, directed by and starring Robert Redford, about some proverbial legal chickens coming home to roost decades later for some 1970’s-era radicals. By surrender, investigation and intrigue, the radicals who were involved in the bank robbery involving a murder are brought to the justice that has been unable to find them since the time of the crime.
What Is Known About GERDHealthy Steps: GERD—First StepsHealthy Steps: GERD—Full ProgramFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk Reflux can be a totally silent illness, with symptoms so mild or confusing that you barely think about it. Perhaps you have just a nagging cough, a hoarse voice, or an occasional sharp pain in your chest after eating. It all […]
Although vitamin D normalization has been credited with many health benefits, there has not yet been a clinical trial looking at the effect of vitamin D supplementation on isolated systolic hypertension. Just such a study was reported recently.
How do you respond to loud noises? Many people know that chronic exposure to loud noise can lead to hearing loss, but it turns out there are other health effects as well.
Of the various medical freebies I receive in the mail, I only read two of them.
“My daughter is heading off for 6 months of volunteer work and travel in Nepal and India. I have two questions: Is there any particular way she can “recover” from any ill effects of the required vaccinations for travel? And secondly: what are important items she should carry with her so that she can stay healthy while traveling?”Congratulations on your daughter’s upcoming adventure, what a way to broaden her horizons!