Sauteed Red Cabbage with Cheese

My red cabbage recipe is modified from one of my all-time favorite cookbooks, Chevre!

Healing Multiplied: K2, the Super Supplement

Who would think that a vitamin could have such a history of praise and denial, confusion and celebration?  Vitamin K2 will hopefully find its right place in history once more people get a chance to read Vitamin K2 and

Weston Price Pearls, Part 1 of 2

The recent Weston A Price Foundation’s annual Wise Traditions Conference (Atlanta, November 8-10, 2013) was an event rich with wisdom, fantastic food, entertainment, and friendly faces new and old. I’d like to share with you a take-away pearl from each of the sessions I attended.

Full Fat Dairy Prevails

Ah, yes, full fat dairy prevails! It’s hard to identify the origins of the consistent health recommendation to select low-fat over full-fat dairy. Despite recent findings that children are healthier on full-fat dairy (they are more likely to have metabolic disurbance on low-fat), schools are still encouraged to select low fat.

Sleep and Smile

Has depression ever interrupted your sleep? Recent research suggests that it also works the other way around, that sleep problems can aggravate depression and sweeter sleep makes it easier for you to bounce back from your depression. 

Rancid Omega-3’s More Harm Than Good

Recent surveys of fish oil capsules performed by independent laboratories have revealed a fairly significant proportion of rancidity in the products sampled. Researchers from Spain recently investigated just what would be the effect of consuming those oxidized fish oil capsules, and the results are not surprising.

Allergy Relief with a Food Elimination Diet

Testing for food allergies is controversial. Conventional and integrative physicians line up on opposite sides of blood testing, skin testing, and the ultimate issue of whether food allergies are a serious problem or not. However, any physician who has spent much time listening to patients knows that food allergies are real and that food allergy tests are not always reliable.

News on Saturated Fat, Two for One

Perhaps it’s not so newsworthy each time a practicing physician sees the light about saturated fat. It’s happened to many physicians, even cardiologists. But it becomes news when a leading medical journal highlights an article exonerating saturated fat as a cause of heart disease.

Beyond Mammograms

Here’s a statistic for you: For every 2000 women obtaining annual mammogram screening for 10 years, 1 less woman will die of breast cancer. 20,000 mammograms will be performed. During that time, 10 women with non-threatening disease will receive a diagnosis of breast cancer and are unnecessarily treated.

I’m Going, Are You?

The annual Wise Traditions Conference is less than a month away, and I just learned that they still have openings for you if you are thinking of going!