Before you decide you don’t have time to read about playing (of all things!), consider that play has a powerful benefit for adults as well as children. Researchers in the mental health field have explored the area of “positive psychology”, learning from happy and vital people the secrets to their mental well-being. Something resembling play is a prominent part of happy people’s lives. And if you are still wondering, happier people have 22% less risk of cardiovascular disease.
What perfect timing! Just as Americans are heading to the beaches and mountains for some added exercise and recreation, the press headlines let us know: we are indeed exercising more, as we’ve been told to do, but unfortunately, we are no thinner for it. Our poundage is expanding despite the increased exercise!
An international collaboration of researchers has specifically identified what we have all suspected, namely that the
It has long been known that statin use can cause musculoskeletal pain, particularly in users who do not supplement with CoQ10, a suggestion that should come from any physician or pharmacist who is still involved in urging people to take these mostly ill-advised drugs.
News story in the headlines this week: concurrent with our ever increasing national waistline, we are indeed following the conventional medical advice.
When public health officials suggest actions we can take to improve our own health and the health of their community, it is time that they start advocating for the purchase and consumption of meat that has not been treated with antibiotics. Cows raised naturally on pasture seem to have very health immune systems.
An article posted online at BMJ (British Medical Journal) today reported the results of a meta-analysis involving over 800,000 participants and 20,000 breast cancer cases.
Are you a milk drinker? I encourage my patients who enjoy milk to seek a source for reliable raw milk, despite the alarming reputation of the associated hazards. Raw milk is easier to digest, metabolically safer, and provides a legitimate boost to the immune system. Pasteurization was developed at a time when milk handling was not just questionable but highly dangerous, spreading disease that was little understood at the time.
Your Fitness – for the Metabolically Challenged
“Metabolically Challenged” means that you weigh more than you’d like to and that one or more of the following is true:
A study recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition and described here is the first meta-analysis to compare the two most popular weight loss strategies. A meta-analysis evaluates and combines individual published research findings that look at the same question.