For Yourself or a Loved One

Our annual December tradition starts today: store-wide 10% discount so you can take care of yourself or your loved ones during this busy and dark holiday season. Use the code HCPC416HOLIDAY today through the close of business on January 1 to receive your discount! 
A couple thoughts that might help anyone:

Ice Cream Keto

As promised (a LONG time ago), I want to share with you a tried and true low-carb (and very high fat) ice cream recipe from genius Peter Attia.  (The ice cream is quite good, but if you haven’t listened to any of Attia’s podcasts, you’re really in for a treat. Check him out: he has interesting guests, covers details from basic to esoteric, and provides great show notes.)

Helping a Sugar Resistant Brain

Have you ever felt that your brain was foggy, just couldn’t do the work you wanted it to do?  You think of intravenous caffeine? A “hungry” brain, lacking fuel is one of the key components of Alzheimer’s disease.

Important Mouse Brain News

First, where have I been? Missing in action, and back for the new year with commitment to two? three? news items a month, just to keep things current.

Considering a Change?

About a year ago I met a lovely couple, both concerned about possible cognitive changes the husband was experiencing. 

Ketones In the News

Let’s start with one exciting piece of news: the ketogenic diet can help keep your arteries young! 
A recent study showed that increased levels of a particular type of ketone actually helps keep blood vessels youthful, healing both the smooth muscle cells supporting the arteries and the lining (endothelial) cells exposed to our circulating blood.

I’m Concerned about Your Heart

Low Carb Shortens Life !?

At the risk of plagiarizing my good friend Dr. Georgia Ede, the only life-shortening aspect of Low Carb is reading drivel from the recently published Lancet study and slamming my head so hard with my hand that I sustain a concussion.

Sea Change

(No that’s not milk, scroll to bottom of article for explanation. Yes, gardens on the “farm” in the background!)
It’s just possible that the scientific world is shifting its paradigm of understanding metabolic disease.

Is it a Senior Moment or …..?!

Has it ever happened to you? You know the word you want, but it takes its own sweet time finding its way from brain to mouth. Or maybe it was just a name: at a party you start to introduce two of your friends to each other and you can’t remember one person’s name–and it’s usually the name of the person you know best!
If you have ever had reason to be concerned about the health of your brain, and you’re in our part of the Northwest, please join us