A study in the journal Menopause, as reported in the New York Times, concludes that in an ethnically diverse population, women with an early (under the age of 46) menopause, had about double the incidence of heart disease and stroke as those women with a later menopause.
The big news of the week is the concession in Dean Ornish’s plea for healthy eating in this weekend’s New York Times.
Conventional media has picked up a sliver of the Paleo, Low-Carb eating craze by interviewing, albeit briefly, Dr. William Davis on CBS This Morning, September 3, 2012. Congrats to them for addressing a small part of several controversies: the wheat industry and the obesity problem.
If you are troubled by sinus congestion and have read the Healthy Steps for sinus health, you already know what hit the New York Times this week, a reminder about using only distilled or carefully filtered water for sinus irrigation
The end of summer is a good time for thinking about your skin.
First the background, then the news. When I first heard about fluoridation of drinking water, probably as a teenager in the 1960’s, the only opponents were the John Birch Society members who saw fluoride as a government plot, and I assumed fluoride was safe because doctors and dentists recommended it. I know now, after my own investigation, that it’s a potentially toxic substance and only one of many methods to strengthen tooth enamel.
The Economist is not a usual source of health information, but a recent article offers a substantial and valuable insight into our well-being. The article describes the various functions of the microbes – bacteria and other microbes living harmoniously within a healthy body – we refer to as “probiotics”.
A mapping organization had a clever idea, and they mapped the location of Farmers’ Markets all across the United States as well as the obesity rates.
Chocolate intake has been studied for various health effects and has already been associated with lower blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol, and increased endorphin production. That on top of its taste (OK, that’s a personal decision, I know) is enough, but wait there is more – hot off the press, is a new association.