Dr. Deborah Says
The Only Problem with Eggs is the Toast

You surely don’t need to be a research scientist to see the flaws in the utterly ridiculous study whose findings that recently made the news.  Researchers in Canada surveyed over 1200 middle aged men and women in a vascular prevention clinic where they were referred after suffering a stroke or “mini-stroke.”  The study participants were asked to recall their egg yolk consumption over their lifetime.

CDC Weighs in on US Obesity

And the news isn’t pretty. Even the healthiest states, the palest on the CDC map, have nothing to brag about. At a 20-25% obesity rate, any state should still be mortified and, more importantly, motivated. The CDC is the arm of the federal government usually devoted to infectious disease, as the Center for Disease Control.

My First 50 Miles

It was the last leg of the race.  The finish line, with all the rest and reprieve it had to offer, was minutes away.  My body felt tired, my muscles exhausted from the last 49 miles and hours of sweat and adrenaline. 

Gary Taubes
Diets for a Healthier You
Solutions for Migraine Headaches

What Is Known About MigrainesHealthy Steps: Migraines—First StepsHealthy Steps: Migraines—Full ProgramFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk A little twinkle in your field of vision catches your attention, perhaps, or a familiar uneasy or dizzy feeling. Unattended to, these seemingly harmless little symptoms can progress to a headache that is impossible to ignore. The pain becomes moderate to […]

Not Your Grandmother’s Remedy

Research is currently being published in a peer-reviewed journal demonstrating a measurable physiological effect in response to blinded administration of homeopathic remedies.

Running Happy

Kristin and I used to run together at least once a week. It started when we both fought fire, and we ran or worked out together every day. That summer we ran in the rain, water sloshing into our mesh running shoes.