What Is Known About Osteoarthritis Healthy First Steps Osteoarthritis—Full Program Seeking CarePreventing OsteoarthritisFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk Updated October 21, 2015 Some mornings, the pain is bearable. You creak out of bed and tough it out for another day. Other times, the achy stiffness, joint pain, and swelling are cripplingly intense. If you’re one of the […]
What Is Known About UTIs Healthy Steps: UTIs—First Steps Healthy Steps: UTIs—Full Program Preventing UTIs From Dr. Deborah’s Desk It starts as a twinge right after you urinate. Then you notice a burning during the next trip to the bathroom, which happened painfully soon after the last trip, and yielded little urine. Pretty soon you […]
What Is Known About DepressionHealthy Steps: Depression—First StepsHealthy Steps: Depression—Full ProgramPreventing DepressionFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk Not to be confused with sadness lingering after a grievous loss, depression arises without apparent cause and drains us of vitality and casts a gloomy pall on everything we experience and do. It makes the simplest tasks seem daunting and […]
If you read my earlier posts, you know that one of my pet peeves is outdoor air pollution wafting out of nearby dryer exhaust hoses. Those fragrances however aren’t just annoying, they are actually toxic or intentionally obscuring the odor of more hazardous irritants and carcinogens. Even worse, most toxins persist in the environment and in our bodies, bloodstreams, and even mother’s milk.
Everyone seems to be talking about the Harvard School of Public Health Study which claims that eating red meat causes death and disease.
What is Known About Allergic Rhinitis Healthy Steps: Allergic Rhinitis—First Steps Healthy Steps: Allergic Rhinitis—Full Program Prevention From Dr. Deborah’s Desk How does fresh spring air feel at your house? If you’re one of the unlucky ones, despite a beautiful balmy day, you can barely drag yourself out of bed and when you do, it’s […]
My daughter asked me to write a column for The Women’s Club Newsletter, and I thought I’d share it with you.Just to remind you that big shifts in your level of activity or exercise can come at any age!
We made it through the holidays. The fruit cake is stale and trash-worthy, and the last remaining Valentine’s chocolates are quickly dwindling. For those of you who have fought through this tempting time and remained vigilant in your workouts, I salute you. However, for those of us with an intense sweet tooth or two, the end to the holidays can be bitter-sweet. But bitter-sweet it just the solution that I want to celebrate. Chocolate! Dark chocolate, that is, is good for you!
Everyone’s talking about it: red meat is bad for you! So says a study out of the Harvard School of Public Health published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
“Plant peas in February” is the rule I’ve heard living in Southern Oregon. Last year that didn’t work at all, as our wet spring rotted out every planted pea until things began to dry out in May. After a slow start the peas burst out of the ground, and quickly flowered, fruited, and wilted, leaving only a few weeks’ worth of edible peas to enjoy.