People commonly look to the New Year as a time of renewal and optimistic goal setting. “This is the year I …(fill in the blank). It is a busy time for the fitness industry!But by March or April, the enthusiasm is gone and the new treadmill in the bedroom is a really expensive clothes hanger.
What Is Known About AcneHealthy Steps: Acne—First StepsHealthy Steps: Acne—Full ProgramPreventing AcneFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk Updated October 2017 Acne takes many forms, but even what a physician might see as mild acne can be a serious problem for the person suffering with it. Problem skin is generally considered an adolescent right of passage (albeit an […]
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)1 lb organic chicken livers, preferably from pasture-raised hens1 yellow onion2 clove garlic1/4 cup red winesalt and pepper to taste
If you judged all food by its packaging, you might start to believe that low-fat is totally where it’s at, for healthy eating. While you may feel good — great even — about purchasing the low-fat meal in the freezer, you could be much better off buying a hunk of organic, sustainable, grass-fed beef from the butcher. After all, how satiated are you going to feel after that tiny frozen dinner, compared to a grass-fed steak and a side of sautéed greens?
When women tell me that “someone told them” that they should be on statins, I’ve been pointing out that there is a serious lack of study concerning the health benefits and risks of statins used in women. Women have long been neglected or assumed to be just insignificantly different from men when it comes to clinical studies, the far majority done on males and assumed to be true for women too. Okay, that’s another subject for another day.
I came up with the idea for a blog when I walked outside one day and was assaulted by someone’s offensively perfumed dryer sheet and thought I would write about Local Pollutions. Then I went to my office where the delivery truck was dropping off fresh spring water in glass jugs (we just pay for the delivery, the water is free).
If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your mental and physical health, nutritional supplements could be the answer. New findings suggest that in addition to enhancing holistic mental and physical wellness, supplements could lengthen your lifespan. Though nothing can replace the benefits of organic food and exercise, nutritional supplements have begun their journey to becoming the best new medical break-through. No pain or nasty side effects included.
If you really want to make breakfast the most important meal of the day, why not give yourself a huge nutritional boost first thing in the morning, by skipping the cereal and trying a morning scramble with greens, protein, and an array of vitamins and minerals. This recipe for a healthy morning scramble will make leafy greens part of your usual meal rotation, and will not only save you money in the grocery store, but also provide you with vital fiber and nutrients you need to be healthy. Combining greens with healthy proteins and fats will enable your body to absorb the nutrients and leave you completely satisfied until your next meal.Anytime you can start your day with cholesterol lowering, and heart healthy garlic and onions is a win as well. Especially during cold and flu season (and any other time of the year), garlic and onions contain bacteria-fighting sulfur and vitamin C.When choosing your dark leafy green, experiment to see which you prefer. The mildest dark, leafy, green will be something in the chard family, and the more intense flavors will be your spinach and kales.As you’re preparing all of these amazing foods, you want to be sure to avoid toxicity and the mass consumption of free radicals. Any time you’re cooking with high heat, be sure to use the best oil for the job. You want an oil that is solid at room temperature, such as coconut oil to cook all of these goodies up in the healthiest way possible. If you have any fat from cooking duck or chicken, that’s also a fantastic choice, as is organic lard, butter, or ghee.Here’s how to create a nutrient-packed, incredibly delicious morning scramble to start your day off right:
What Is Known About Sinusitis Health Action: Sinusitis—Quick Start Health Action: Sinusitis—Full Program Preventing Sinusitis From Dr. Deborah’s Desk So much pressure in the head it’s hard to know whether it’s pushing in, out or all of the above. Sniffling, snorting, headaches, head congestion, postnasal drip, and using up an entire box of tissues—all of […]
What Is Known About the Flu Healthy Steps: Flu—First Steps Healthy Steps: Flu—Full Porgram Preventing the Flu From Dr. Deborah’s Desk One minute you are feeling fine and the next minute your whole body aches, your head, ears, and throat hurt, you get the hot and cold shivers, and generally feel like you have been […]