Chlorine in Our Water

You know you should be drinking eight glasses of water a day, but what kind? Chlorine is by far the most widely used solution for removing bacteria and viruses from municipal water supplies. Your tap water may not be as innocuous as you think it is. Any number of harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and infectious agents may be dissolved in it.What We Really Know About Chlorine

What We Now Know About Fats and Cholesterol

For decades, we have been pummeled by the message that saturated fats such as those in butter and meat are bad for us and that a low-fat diet is good for the heart and blood vessels. But where did this information about fat and cholesterol come from, and is it really accurate?
Before we answer that question, let’s take a look at the different types of fats and the foods from which they are derived.

Organic Farming and Organic Eating

Organic farming embraces the concepts of respect for the soil and the environment, nutrient-dense produce, balance, biodiversity, and quality of life for livestock. Organic farming assumes that if the soil is healthy, then the plants it produces will be healthy and the people and animals eating the plants will be healthy, too. Organic farming works with nature rather than against it.

Weston Price – The Charles Darwin of Nutrition

One of the fastest growing nutritional organizations and websites is the Weston Price Foundation, named for Dr. Weston A. Price, a Cleveland dentist who traveled the world in the 1920s, looking for the healthiest people on earth. What does modern nutritional science have to learn from a world traveler of a previous century? 

Gross Why is my Snot Green?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametconsec tetuerSuspendisse ullamcorper facilisis metus aliquet consequat. Vivamus a velit nibh. Duis sagittis venenatis suscipit. Nam pellentesque dolor vel odio lacinia ut hendrerit tortor elementum. Praesent condimentum justo eu leo eleifend fermentum pulvinar

Crispy Almonds

4 cups almonds, preferably skinless, whole or slivered1 Tbsp sea saltfiltered water 

Solutions for Eczema

What Is Known: The True Cause of EczemaHealthy Steps: Eczema—First StepsHealthy Steps: Eczema—Full ProgramPreventing EczemaFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk Updated December 8, 2012 Scratch, scratch, “don’t scratch!” If you’ve ever wished you could unzip from your old skin and step into a brand-new epidermis for one night just so you could get some sleep, you are […]

Bones, Tendons and Connections

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Healthy Recipes