October’s Best Pink Becomes Red
Let’s re-boot October’s pink message! In the past “breast cancer awareness” has often meant beauty products (some containing carcinogens) labeled with pink ribbons to promote mammograms. In the future, let’s think of October as support for women – all women – with breast cancer prevention, primary and secondary, better research into the causes of breast cancer, industry regulation where necessary, and comprehensive programs for women enduring breast cancer treatment.
In honor of October, let’s revisit all the articles in which I’ve discussed some aspect of breast cancer. What have I omitted? What would you like to hear about next? I’m hoping to get to menopausal hormone replacement therapy in November, that might raise and answer many questions!
I hope you are enjoying a wonderful fall season, wherever you are.
Here’s a list of the articles on the website…starting with Preventing Breast Cancer, Weston Price Presentation.The first Preventing Breast Cancer article, with updates here and here, and some remarks about breast cancer in the news here and here. The alarming trend of increased breast cancer in young women, and strike three for routine mammograms!