Whole-Milk Buttermilk

Makes 1 quart

1 quart whole milk, preferably raw but not ultra pasteurized
about 1/4 cup buttermilk culture*

This is the easiest of all the cultured milks. Place milk in a glass container, add the buttermilk culture, stir well and cover. Keep at room temperature (but not higher than 80 degrees) until themilk thickens and curdles slightly. Chill well. Reserve 1/4 – 1/2 cup in a separate jar in the refrigerator for the next culture.

Note: A similar culture from Sweden is called fil mjolk.

* New England Cheesemaking Supply (413) 628-3808. The fil mjolk culture from Sweden, which is similar, is available from G.E.M. Cultures (707) 964-2922

Reprinted with permission from Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon with Mary Enig, Ph.D.