Eavesdrop as Dawn Lemanne, MD, and Deborah Gordon, MD discuss their difficult cases and the hard decisions they make behind the closed door of the exam room, when the textbooks and research protocols fall short.  They also share with each other which longevity protocols, hormones, mTOR inhibitors, senolytics, extreme diets and fasting, hormesis, cancer prevention, and dementia reversal protocols they prescribe, and which ones they quietly have tried for themselves.


Rhythms of Health and Disease: use sleep and meal schedules to thwart cancer, dementia, and metabolic illness
October 16, 2024
In this episode of Docs Talk Shop, Dr. Lemanne and Dr. Gordon explore how daily rhythms impact cancer treatment, brain health, and metabolism. Discover surprising ways to optimize your health by carefully timing your sleep, light exposure, and meals. (And think twice about late suppers!)Breast cancers spread at night, and why this means trouble if your largest meal is supper.In colorectal cancer patients, morning chemo benefits men, while afternoon chemo benefits women.Light exposure at night...
Fecal Transplants that cure cancer and cause obesity: strange powers of the beings that call your body home.
September 25, 2024
Fecal transplants are saving cancer patients at MD Anderson? In this episode of Docs Talk Shop, Dr. Gordon and I explore how a major breakthrough in microbiome science could open up new treatment possibilities for cancer patients.But the news is not all good--fecal transplants can also transfer obesity. We discuss how a patient who received an FMT from an obese donor gained weight, highlighting just how powerful and influential the microbiome is in regulating metabolism.We discuss the remarka...
"Cancer and Dementia: How Coffee Helps, How Alcohol Hurts"
September 25, 2024
Cancer and Dementia: Coffee’s Protection, Alcohol’s Lasting DamageCould your morning coffee protect you from cancer? And could that evening glass of wine increase your risk? In this episode of Docs Talk Shop, we dig into the science behind two of the most popular beverages and unearth some surprising truths about how they impact your health, especially when it comes to cancer and dementia.For instance, regular coffee drinkers have up to a 20% lower risk of developing breast and colon cancer. ...
20. "Survival of the fittest" AFTER 50!
September 15, 2024
As we age past our reproductive years, Mother Nature stops taking care of us. We discuss a recent article by Dr. Bruce Ames of the University of California, Berkeley, who's one of the first and most distinguished anti-aging scientists--still productive in his 90's! We uncover some of his secrets as we discuss why, as we age, certain supplements become even more important to our healthy survival. Some of our most valuable nutrients are in fact likely to be depleted with normal aging and there ...
19. Smoking PREVENTS three horrible diseases. Update on "good" and "evil" health habits.
August 8, 2024
Can bad habits be good for you? For instance, do cigarettes decrease the risk of Parkinson's disease? Alzheimer's? Ulcerative colitis? The answer is yes. Smoking is surprisingly powerful as a preventive for these conditions. And you may also want to know that if you're worried about Parkinson's disease, you may want to think twice about living near a golf course.In this episode, Dr, Gordon and Dr. Lemanne discuss the surprising health benefits of some very unhealthy beha...
18. Nuanced Keto: Miriam Kalamian unlocks the power of diet in cancer therapy
August 7, 2024
In this episode, Dr. Dawn Lemanne and Dr. Deborah Gordon engage with author and ketogenic diet specialist Miriam Kalamian, who shares her profound personal journey of treating her son’s aggressive brain tumor with a ketogenic diet. The discussion delves into the diet's impressive effects on the size of her son's brain tumor, the surprising--and critical--role of calorie restriction for effective implementation of the keto diet in cancer, and the best combinations of fasting and the keto...
17. Change Your Diet, Change Your MIND with Dr. Georgia Ede
August 6, 2024
We had a fascinating conversation with our friend and colleague Dr.Georgia Ede about the background, details, and the vast scope of her work treating mental illness--of all sorts--with variations on the ketogenic diet. Fully conventionally trained, Dr. Ede used her insight into her patients' conditions, paired it with developing understanding about nutrition, and has found varied and individualized approaches to what we eat and how it affects our brains. We explore with Dr. Ede the...
16. Here’s who SHOULD be taking melatonin, and why!
June 25, 2024
In this episode, we discuss melatonin's use as a sleep supplement, as well as its other powerful actions, such as its use as a pain reliever, an anti-anxiety medication, an antidepressant, and as a modulator of immune activity in autoimmune conditions. We also delve into melatonin's use in cancer, in particular in glioblastoma, where we look at a study showing a survival benefit to a particular melatonin protocol when combined with radiation. Our conversation also examines research...
15. After 50, what you don't know about exercise can hurt you: Andy Baxter, Medical Exercise Specialist
April 26, 2024
Listen to this episode to learn:common blood pressure and diabetes medications that derail your fitness programsarcopenia of aging starts not in the muscles, but in the brainfitness to treat cognitive decline and neurologic disorders, Parkinson, MS, strokeyoga, and the surprisingly high risk of injury why stretching is harmful, and a better way to maintain range-of-motion heart disease vs lung disease: the very different exercise rehab programs requiredrheumatoid arthritis, wh...
14. "Cutting to the bone"...WAY beyond the conventional wisdom on staying strong
April 3, 2024
In this episode, we talk about bone health--something that should be of interest to anyone over 50, long before it becomes a medical problem of concern. While Dr. Gordon has long relied on hormone replacement as a helpful tool in restoring lost bone density, she discusses today some of her recent learning about fine tuning the use of hormones and many other lifestyle choices. Bear with her pet peeves when it comes to standard of care, and pick up some tips you can incorporate into your own bo...
13. Shattering the myth forcing your oncologist to treat you with a dead-end protocol
February 15, 2024
In this episode, Dr. Lemanne and Dr. Gordon discuss why oncologists believe that cancers inevitably become resistant to any treatment, and the new research that is proving this wrong.On the surface, standard treatment choice for a particular cancer makes sense: 1. Choose the most powerful drug or drug combination possible, the one best at quickly shrinking the cancerous tumor.2. Repeatedly dose this drug/drug combination with as few interruptions as possible, and use the highest doses th...
12. The Science of Starving Cancer: Sam Apple on Otto Warburg's impact today
December 24, 2023
Unlocking the Sweet Secrets of Cancer Prevention: A Journey with Dr. Lemanne, Dr. Gordon, and Sam AppleIn this thought-provoking episode, we explore the discovery of the link between diet, glucose metabolism, and cancer growth. Join us as we sit down with Sam Apple, the author of the compelling book, "Ravenous: Otto Warburg, the Nazis, and the Search for the Cancer-Diet Connection."Our guest, Sam Apple, tells the hidden story of Otto Warburg, a Nobel laureate who in spite of his Jewish herita...
11. Genistein
October 28, 2023
We start to sort through something that will likely be an ongoing topic of interest, namely the role of genistein, a phyto- or plant-sourced estrogen in both of our worlds. We explore its use in both estrogen-mimicking and estrogen-blocking for certain conditions of aging, bone and brain health, as well as cancer prevention and cancer survival. We'll touch on blue zones and some of the risks and benefits of various other members of the legume family. Let's listen in as Dr. Lemanne begins by e...
10. Errors Doctors Make--Protect Yourself
September 24, 2023
Dr. Lemanne reveals to Dr. Gordon what she's learned from medical errors, both hers and those of other physicians, and discusses what patients need to do to protect themselves. Dawn Lemanne, MD Oregon Integrative OncologyLeave no stone unturned.Deborah Gordon, MDNorthwest Wellness and Memory CenterBuilding Healthy Brains
9. Creatine -- not just for body builders!
September 3, 2023
In this episode, Drs. Lemanne and Gordon discuss the use of Creatine as a supplement with both aging patients and patients with cancer. Turns out it's a useful addition to protocols for aging men, aging women, those who are athletes, as well as people simply wanting better health in the face of cancer and other health challenges. Let's listen to their discussions and reasons for looking forward to unfolding of additional research about the use of Creatine. Dawn Lemanne, MD Oregon I...
8. Can neglecting your teeth cause cancer or dementia?
July 30, 2023
In this episode Doctors Lemanne and Gordon talk about gum disease, considered a nuisance by most, but gum disease and tooth loss are actually life-threatening, due to a strong, but rarely discussed connection with cancer and dementia.Dawn Lemanne, MD Oregon Integrative OncologyLeave no stone unturned.Deborah Gordon, MDNorthwest Wellness and Memory CenterBuilding Healthy Brains
7. Protein for Brilliant Aging
April 11, 2023
In this episode Dr. Gordon discusses how aging increases protein requirements. We cover the pros and cons of vegetarianism and animal protein and we even touch upon the health benefits of raw liver.Dawn Lemanne, MD Oregon Integrative OncologyLeave no stone unturned.Deborah Gordon, MDNorthwest Wellness and Memory CenterBuilding Healthy Brains
6. Fasting in cancer treatment and cancer prevention
March 18, 2023
In this episode, Drs. Lemanne and Gordon discuss research on the role of fasting in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Dr. Lemanne discusses her personal experience of fasting, and how she uses fasting in the cancer clinic.Exactly when to fast for best cancer outcomeCombining fasting and chemotherapy improves survival--animal studiesTypes of fasts, including water fasts and dry fastsResearch on dry fasting and kidney function (prepare to be surprised)Eating dinner late increases ca...
5. Sleep smart, sleep healthy
February 24, 2023
How easily do you fall asleep? If you're like most of us, sometimes sleep overcomes you and sometimes you actually have to pursue sleep, just to "catch" a few good hours. Today Drs. Lemanne and Gordon talk about the role sleep plays in their work with patients, addressing cognitive, metabolic, and cancer-related issues. Links In this Episode1. Heart Disease more risky for women than breast cancer.2. Breast cancer usually not fatal.3. Breast cancer linked to disrupted c...
4. Important medical tests you may not know about
February 17, 2023
Do you know if you're harboring silent inflammation? An easily available blood test will tell you.In this episode, Dr. Gordon and I discuss a few of our favorite and unusual medical tests, including how to predict longevity from a measure of grip strength and a special test of living blood cells that shows how well a patient can resist cancer growth. Why the health of your smallest blood vessels dictates your overall health and longevity picture, and how to measure this. How y...
3. Dementia Reversal
February 7, 2023
In this episode, Dr. Gordon discusses her recently published pilot trial in which she and three physician colleagues successfully treated patients with dementia. Evaluating cognitive impairment: subjective vs measurable? Distinguishing mild cognitive impairment from early Alzheimer's dementiaWhich interventions actually moved the needle? Along the way, we dive into details on mechanisms.Time stamps with links to references and resources:11:51 Chewing en...
2. Hormones
February 7, 2023
Episode 4 Hormones In this episode, Dr. Gordon discusses female hormones. She gives us a glimpse into their function and what happens to aging women as they lose those hormones in menopause. She also talks about the skillful use of hormone replacement to extend life and enhance its quality. For those women who don’t or can’t take the typical form of hormone replacement therapy, she describes workarounds for benefit of both brain and bone health.Links to references and more reading ...
1. Astonishing Cancer Recoveries
February 2, 2023
Have you ever wondered why some cancer patients unexpectedly recover? In this episode, Drs. Lemanne and Gordon discuss the cases of four persons who survived a range of cancer diagnoses considered universally terminal. But instead of dying promptly, two left hospice to return to active, athletic lives for several years. Two others defied all odds to achieve apparent cures. These four patients used radically different approaches.The four diagnoses include chronic lymphocytic l...