It’s flu season and I don’t want to get sick. What do I do?

No secret: people are sick more often with colds and flu during the winter. Possible reasons include loss of sunlight enriched vitamin D levels, exposure to cold and damp, indoor air quality, and greater indoor crowding. Most of these conditions are beyond individual control, but there are still things you can do for yourself to stay as healthy as possible during the winter.

Hearty Greens Soup

I love this soup and have a cup of it with any meal, including breakfast. It’s a great way to get a cup of broth and a serving of greens.

What to Think About Vitamin D?

The recent news about vitamin D is confusing if you look to the news for insights about managing your health. Does it help prevent colds? What about more serious diseases? Health bulletins make good headlines, but they are often misleading and contradictory. It’s helpful to look at some specifics, and then remember to fall back on modeling our understanding of how health works based on how our healthy physiology works.

Reminder about Neti Pots

If you are troubled by sinus congestion and have read the Healthy Steps for sinus health, you already know what hit the New York Times this week, a reminder about using only distilled or carefully filtered water for sinus irrigation

Solutions for Migraine Headaches

What Is Known About MigrainesHealthy Steps: Migraines—First StepsHealthy Steps: Migraines—Full ProgramFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk A little twinkle in your field of vision catches your attention, perhaps, or a familiar uneasy or dizzy feeling. Unattended to, these seemingly harmless little symptoms can progress to a headache that is impossible to ignore. The pain becomes moderate to […]

Solutions for Urinary Tract Infections

What Is Known About UTIs Healthy Steps: UTIs—First Steps Healthy Steps: UTIs—Full Program Preventing UTIs From Dr. Deborah’s Desk It starts as a twinge right after you urinate. Then you notice a burning during the next trip to the bathroom, which happened painfully soon after the last trip, and yielded little urine. Pretty soon you […]

Hay Fever/Allergic Rhinitis/Seasonal Allergies

What is Known About Allergic Rhinitis Healthy Steps: Allergic Rhinitis—First Steps Healthy Steps: Allergic Rhinitis—Full Program Prevention From Dr. Deborah’s Desk How does fresh spring air feel at your house? If you’re one of the unlucky ones, despite a beautiful balmy day, you can barely drag yourself out of bed and when you do, it’s […]

Solutions for Sinusitis

What Is Known About Sinusitis Health Action: Sinusitis—Quick Start Health Action: Sinusitis—Full Program Preventing Sinusitis From Dr. Deborah’s Desk So much pressure in the head it’s hard to know whether it’s pushing in, out or all of the above. Sniffling, snorting, headaches, head congestion, postnasal drip, and using up an entire box of tissues—all of […]


What Is Known About the Flu Healthy Steps: Flu—First Steps Healthy Steps: Flu—Full Porgram Preventing the Flu From Dr. Deborah’s Desk One minute you are feeling fine and the next minute your whole body aches, your head, ears, and throat hurt, you get the hot and cold shivers, and generally feel like you have been […]

Solutions for Coughs and Bronchitis

What Is Known About Coughs and Bronchitis Healthy Steps: Coughs & Bronchitis—First Steps Healthy Steps: Coughs & Bronchitis—Full Program Cough and Bronchitis Prevention From Dr. Deborah’s Desk Even when reassured that your nagging cough is harmless, the nagging part is no fun at all. Interrupting meals, conversations, and worst of all – sleep, a week […]

Ear Infections

What Is Known About Middle Ear Infections Healthy Steps: Ear Infections—First Steps Healthy Steps: Ear Infections—Full Program Preventing Ear Infections From Dr. Deborah’s Desk You can tell that normal looking ear must be hurting when you see cranky behavior, tears, and ear-rubbing, all of which tell the story of an ear infection. You may even […]