Thanks to Dr. Michael Ruscio for all his work on gut health and for recently highlighting a particular article on dietary strategies to control irritable bowel syndrome, also pertinent also to those with SIBO.
What Is Known About Constipation Healthy Steps: Constipation—First Steps Healthy Steps: Constipation—Full Program Preventing Constipation From Dr. Deborah’s Desk Tallying up the sale of laxatives in the US—over $750 million a year—constipation appears to be quite a problem for a lot of people. From infants to the elderly, irregular bowel movements interfere with health and […]
“I swear I look pregnant after I eat!” If this has happened to you, you know the rest of the lament. You eat a little food, sometimes even just have a drink of water and your upper abdomen swells without limit. You might burp or experience heartburn, or you might just feel as if your […]
What Is Known About GERDHealthy Steps: GERD—First StepsHealthy Steps: GERD—Full ProgramFrom Dr. Deborah’s Desk Reflux can be a totally silent illness, with symptoms so mild or confusing that you barely think about it. Perhaps you have just a nagging cough, a hoarse voice, or an occasional sharp pain in your chest after eating. It all […]
I understand loving the taste of grains. Now that I’ve spent the better part of a year without gluten, months without grains, I can still admit that I have loved grains in my life. When posed the “Name one food to have on a desert island” question, I was always torn between eggs and brown rice. If I could have had two foods (butter!), I would have gone with the rice. And if we’re talking about more complex foods, who doesn’t love freshly baked whole grain bread?
Do you have a friend or family member who has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer? For most of us, the disease has touched someone close to us or in our lives. Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States in both men and women. This year we can expect to see over 100,000 new cases of colon cancer and over 40,000 new cases of rectal cancer. Over a lifetime, Americans have about a 5% (1 in 20) risk of colorectal cancer.
Recently I’ve heard from two folks with a not uncommon complaint: while traveling they picked up some intestinal bug, took the locally available antibiotic, and their gut has never been the same. The process for proper healing from the combined assault of the parasite and the treatment requires a full understanding of all that can be affected and what needs to be resolved.
Do you have a friend or family member who has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer? For most of us, the disease has touched someone close to us or in our lives. Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States in both men and women. This year we can expect to […]
Magnesium is a chemical element that chemists refer to by the symbol Mg, but Mg never exists by itself anywhere on the planet. It is embedded in rocks, or molten in earth, or dissolved in seawater.
What Is Known About Irritable Bowel Syndrome Healthy Steps: Irritable Bowel Syndrome—First Steps Healthy Steps: Irritable Bowel Syndrome—Full Program From Dr. Deborah’s Desk Updated June 9, 2015 How complicated can digestion be? If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you know that one of the body’s natural processes can seem to go all haywire […]
What Is Known About Acute Indigestion Healthy Steps: Acute Indigestion—First Steps Healthy Steps: Acute Indigestion—Full Program Preventing Acute Indigestion From Dr. Deborah’s Desk For some people it’s pain, and for others digestion just seems to be working upstream instead of downstream. It’s not a condition anyone wants to talk about, but nearly everyone—male and female, […]
Makes 1 quart1 quart whole milk, preferably raw but not ultra pasteurizedabout 1/4 cup buttermilk culture*