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PsoriasisIf you suffer from psoriasis, you know how devastating this inflammatory skin condition can be. You may have tried various over-the-counter treatments and prescription medications, only to find that the scaly skin patches characteristic of psoriasis recur despite your best efforts. Although psoriasis seems mysterious, understanding and addressing its underlying causes can help you break the cycle of inflammation and flareups. And although there is not yet a cure for psoriasis, simple natural remedies can alleviate your discomfort.

Telltale symptoms of psoriasis include raised red patches covered by a silvery, scaly layer. These inflamed areas may be itchy, tight, sore, or painful. The most common areas for patches to occur are around the elbows, knees, back, or scalp. Rarer forms of psoriasis produce blisters on the hands and feet or smaller patches all over the body. Psoriasis can even affect the nails.

Although scientists know the psoriasis problem lies within the immune system, they are still trying to figure out the root cause. Because approximately one-third of sufferers have a family history of tpsoriasis, a genetic element is likely involved. Dietary and lifestyle factors have also been associated with the development and severity of psoriasis.

Over one-third of people with psoriasis experience their first symptoms before the age of 16. Outbreaks tend to come and go, sometimes with no apparent reason. Those unfamiliar with the condition sometimes mistakenly believe it's contagious, which can understandably cause discomfort in social situations.

Because psoriasis represents a high level of toxicity in the body, it is one of the most complicated and yet also most important conditions to treat with a nutritional and lifestyle approach.


What We Know About Psoriasis
Healthy Steps: Psoriasis—First Steps
Healthy Steps: Psoriasis—Full Program
Psoriasis Prevention
From Dr. Deborah's Desk

If you suffer from psoriasis, you know how devastating this inflammatory skin condition can be. You may have tried various over-the-counter treatments and prescription medications, only to find that the scaly skin patches characteristic of psoriasis recur despite your best efforts. Although psoriasis seems mysterious, understanding and addressing its underlying causes can help you break the cycle of inflammation and flareups. And although there is not yet a cure for psoriasis, simple natural remedies can alleviate your discomfort.