Your Fitness - Part 3 of 4
What perfect timing! Just as Americans are heading to the beaches and mountains for some added exercise and recreation, the press headlines let us know: we are indeed exercising more, as we've been told to do, but unfortunately, we are no thinner for it. Our poundage is expanding despite the increased exercise!
If you consider yourself basically healthy, without abnormal lab tests or worrisome excess abdominal fat, you exercise and want to be even more fit - but, you'd like to lose that last 5, 10, or 20 pounds. How does someone who is fairly healthy, active, but overweight lose that weight sensibly and improve their fitness at the same time?
I call this group the “Weight Challenged” and in my office these folks report a familiar story. When I meet with you, you report that
- You weight more than you'd like to.
- You carry your extra weight well distributed on your body.
- Your lab tests are normal, congratulations!
- Your goals are to normalize your weight and optimize your fitness!
Your task won't be that difficult, as you have already done a lot to maintain good health for yourself.