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Organic farming is the only way to undo the frightening loss of precious topsoil, large-scale environmental pollution, and an ailing society of chemically contaminated people with which the past 70 years of farming in America have left us. The only...
The biggest open secret in the cosmetics industry today is that human skin is porous and can absorb at least some of the ingredients in makeup and body care products. If the cosmetics industry would concede this small fact, cosmetics would have to...
It is sobering to consider that there are some 85,000 chemicals in circulation today. It is even more alarming to realize that less than 20 percent of chemicals commonly found in products used in homes every day have never been assessed for safety....
Water may be the most underrated and least understood substance in the universe. Water is the most abundant element on earth and inside our bodies, yet it is also one of the most mysterious.Every activity within the body occurs in a water-based...
You know you should be drinking eight glasses of water a day, but what kind? Chlorine is by far the most widely used solution for removing bacteria and viruses from municipal water supplies. Your tap water may not be as innocuous as you think it is...
For decades, we have been pummeled by the message that saturated fats such as those in butter and meat are bad for us and that a low-fat diet is good for the heart and blood vessels. But where did this information about fat and cholesterol come...
Organic farming embraces the concepts of respect for the soil and the environment, nutrient-dense produce, balance, biodiversity, and quality of life for livestock. Organic farming assumes that if the soil is healthy, then the plants it produces...
One of the fastest growing nutritional organizations and websites is the Weston Price Foundation, named for Dr. Weston A. Price, a Cleveland dentist who traveled the world in the 1920s, looking for the healthiest people on earth. What does modern...
After earning a degree in English Literature at the University of California, Berkeley, I went back to Berkeley for pre-Med and then graduated from the University of California at San Francisco in 1979 and that campus' affiliated Family Practice...
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