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You can do a lot for yourself, for your own brain and memory health. You can improve your own memory by attending to clearly identified details of diet, lifestyle choices, and getting serious about some crucial supplements. I'll divide up your work...
We absolutely need and rely on the hormone insulin, but only when it stays in its sweet spot: just enough, not too much. Too much insulin has a direct adverse effect (obesity, type 2 diabetes) and many far-reaching effects, including an increased...
Why haven’t I seen this information before now!? It doesn’t change my mind, but if you are still getting routine mammograms, it might change yours. I saw this article first in Consumer Reports. The Institute of Medicine, the nonprofit arm of...
A couple of exciting events have happened in the world of nutrition recently, causing feathers to ruffle and fur to fly!  The first was really a political move that shocked many. The National Food Policy Conference was organized for early...
A truly excellent clinician, podcaster, and researcher, Michael Ruscio, DC, recently focused his attention on Homocysteine. (You can read the transcript of his podcast here and stay tuned for an upcoming podcast of his in which we talk about it...
It's the sugar. I predict that within 5 years, doctors will not be relying on routine lipid panels to assess risk of cardiovascular disease. My prediction reveals my inherent nature as an optimist! Since dietary fat was mistakenly...
One of the most challenging aspects of my practice is trying to help people recover lost brain function: even when they know they have a problem, and want help for the problem, the path of relief is not straightforward. Intelligent people are...
Calcium's role in the body is vast: not only is it the main component of healthy bones, but in all its other locations it participates in the proper balance of electrolytes that facilitate communication between cells as well as the production of...
We had a great winter retreat in Arizona this winter, and enjoyed a wide variety of talks. All of which directed themselves one way or another toward a health, ancestral-based, lifestyle. Jeffrey Gerber, MD, Denver’s Diet Doctor, suggested...


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