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Thanks to Aldo Baker and the other folks at for this wonderful infographic on finding low mercury fish! The only way to know whether your current mercury levels is to be tested. I use urine tests in my practice, and recommend cilantro...
Do any stores near you carry the magazine Spirituality & Health? If so, swing by and pick up a copy of the May/June issue and check out my article, “Why go Paleo?” with some really great photography taken by the son of a friend of mine. No such...
Perhaps one shouldn’t be eating pork at all? The Bible, and some biblically based nutritionists, believe that the meat from pigs is unavoidably contaminated by their willingness to eat almost anything. If a pig has eaten something rotten, maybe...
Several times a day, I find myself discussing chemistry and currency with my patients. The chemistry part is to describe what comprises a methyl group: a carbon atom with three atoms of hydrogen attached to it. And though I know nothing really...
Letting you in on a secret, here’s one of my pet peeves: men or pre-menopausal women writing about hormones. Typically they omit the subject of post-menopausal hormones, OR if they do cover them, their conclusion is to use as little as possible for...
Everything we put in our mouths affects the health of our brains. What we are learning now is that sweets don’t appear to be good for our brains, while healthy fats are good brain food. The story, however, gets much more complex than that. ...
The synthesis of thyroid hormone, and its regulation, are complicated! If you've followed my Thyroid Thicket series, you have an overview of approaching someone who might be considered to have thyroid hormones. One of the details mentioned...
IMeRG Emerging Last weekend, February 28, 2015, I gave a quick five-minute presentation to the first meeting of our local IMeRG group. I want to tell you about the event and the group. First, IMeRG is the brainchild of one of our local physicians,...
OK, I have no idea whether statin drugs look anything like the pills in the picture, but what is a greater mystery to me: why isn't the world jumping up and down about the article published last month suggesting unexpected adverse effects from...
Does milk build strong bodies or is that just an advertisement? We all know baby mammals drink milk and grow well with an exclusive dairy diet at the beginning of their lives, but what about those of us at the other end of our lives? Should we...


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